Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Our Governor General Lacks Moral Fibre: Part 2

Our Governor General did not see fit to make an exception in this case.

The text of my follow-up letter follows:

"Your Excellency,

It was with shock and extreme disappointment that I read of your decision to deny Constable Chris Garrett his due honour.

My first e-mail was polite, as it should have been.

By denying Constable Garrett, I believe that you have diminished the value of all honours your office would presume to bestow in the name of Queen Elizabeth II.

As you seemingly do not hold to the same values that I do, I feel that you do not represent me. I look forward to a time in the future when I may feel that way again about my Governor General. Unfortunately your successor will probably not have to opportunity to correct your error in judgement in this matter.

There is no excuse for this blind act of bureaucratic bafoonery. I believe you have brought shame on your office and, by extension, my Queen. I cannot adequately describe in words just how my faith in your office, and even how I value your office has been shaken. I have to wonder just how relevant the office of Governor General is when someone who holds it is so dismissive (or perhaps devoid) of core Canadian values of peace, justice, compassion and the rule of law. <>"

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