Saturday, August 29, 2020

What's Old Is New Again



I gave up on Mainstream Media a long time ago.  It's been over a decade since I sat down to watch 'the news'.  Even then I was wondering how I was being manipulated.  Large market, corporate journalism is largely dead.  Entities used to provide news AND opinion and make the distinction between the two. Now they only provide opinion animated by a political ideology and call it news.  The line between news and opinion is not blurred, it is obliterated.  Ezra Levant calls these entities collectively as the "Media Party" in Canada and the name is not inapplicable to the Mainstream Media in the US.  But for the few outliers like the Wall Street Journal and Fox News, we differentiate these entities by how far down the Leftist rabbit hole they have gone.

I haven't posted in a while because Twitter had allowed me to follow and respond to events of the day.  Like Facebook long ago, Twitter has become a cesspool of Leftist nonsense where the lowest common denominator prevailed.  So a month ago I gave up on Twitter and deleted my account.  I joined Parler and I'm waiting for it to catch on as I am sure it will.  For now, it is largely an American platform, meaning that it has been taken to mainly by Americans.  I say that I'm waiting for Parler to catch on but I wonder if many, or any, on the political Left will muster the courage to join a platform that doesn't have a Jack Dorsey type ready to ban people to save their feelings.

I can't respect political views held by people too cowardly to even articulate them.  On Twitter, Leftists barely had that courage even though Twitter shadow-banned, suppressed, suspended and outright banned many of their most problematic opponents.  Perhaps Parler will serve as a right-wing echo chamber.  That would be unfortunate.  But it will take the Left to grow a spine to keep that from happening.

I need a new (or old) outlet for my opinions to be expressed.  I hope to re-ignite this blog.  Let's see how it goes.