Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Toronto mosque offers 'detox' for extremists

The National Post - 11FEB2009

'12-step program targets al-Qaeda sympathizer'

Good on him. But we'll need a whole lot more of this if Islam is to mature like other faiths have.

Given the rather extreme instructions and absurd promises in the Koran (please, enlighten me if I am wrong as I am no theology expert) that can easily be used to justify violence, (salvation through murder of 'Infidels', virgins in the afterlife and all that) we won't see the end of violent Islamist Fundamentalism in our lifetime. Moreover, the fundamental differences between the Islamic notion of 'peace' and our notion of 'peace' are too great. 'Peace' to us is non-violent co-existence. 'Peace' to a Muslim is defined as the point in time when all walking this Earth worship Allah.