I sent the following in an e-mail to Jack Layton and CC'd the other New Democtratic Party Members of Parliament. I also CC'd the Prime Minister, Stephen Harper and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Peter MacKay.
Mr. Layton,
I’d like to talk to you about tradition, courage and hypocrisy.
I understand that you (and because of that, your party) want to debate our role in Afghanistan. No doubt this is an aim to getting our troops out of there. Here I talk to you about tradition. It is a Canadian tradition to fight against tyranny in support of peace, liberty and justice. Canada has demonstrated its resolve in the form of war against forces that threaten the peace, liberty and justice of others. Yes, Canadian Forces are not just peace keepers. We have the wherewithal to be peace makers too. Another Canadian tradition is to do far more than our share. I am proud of these traditions and, more importantly, so are those in our Canadian Forces. You disrespect them with your stand.
You don’t believe this is our fight too. You believe we should stay out. I can be thankful that you and your soft, short-sighted ilk are not in power. You would have us discard our traditions and take on new traditions of dithering and ignorance and betrayal and short-sightedness. Personally, I am glad of the opportunity to rebuild Canada’s stature on the world’s stage with this mission. The recklessness and stupidity of the previous Liberal governments eroded it. Your form of recklessness would have us fighting these terrorists on our soil instead of theirs.
And if you believe, as many people are being told to believe, that the US is an imperialistic war-mongering power (a concept to which I do not subscribe) would it not be a good idea to have a seat at the table when these kinds of actions are planned and implemented?
Those traditions I talked about came to be through the courage and sacrifice of previous, harder generations. I talk about those who fought in the World Wars and in Korea. This is the same courage demonstrated today by those brave men and women in uniform. Have you asked the soldiers in Afghanistan if they want to come home? Have you asked them if they believe in our mission there? I think you would be shamed by their answers. How can you make politics hoping to bring them home for their sake when they don’t want to? And how would letting down our allies help us? Shame on you for your cowardice and politicking Mr. Layton.
Next I talk about hypocrisy, specifically that displayed by the very same Liberals who, quite rightly, sent our troops to Afghanistan in the first place. No doubt your shameful behaviour seems more reasonable to you with these hypocrites in your corner.
You love to tell others that they are wrong. Now I tell you Sir, you are wrong. You would turn your back on those who fight for freedom? You would turn you back on those who crave it? Just what kind of Canadian are you?
If I had no use for you and your party before, I have even less now.
Shame on you.